Luz Muerta is dedicated to fostering a sustainable lifestyle for everyone, which extends to offering alternative payment options. Recognizing the importance of achieving financial sustainability for our business and using top-notch products, we acknowledge that pricing our clothing at a level ensuring quality may be beyond the reach of many. Given the prevailing economic inequality, we understand the challenges of supporting a living wage, especially for those not earning one themselves.

In our commitment to making our clothing accessible to the people we serve, we are introducing a sliding scale policy based on privilege for purchases of $150 or more. At Luz Muerta, accessibility is a crucial aspect, aligning with the core values of our brand. We encourage you to review the guidelines, bearing in mind that this scale is a starting point. It prompts each of us to assess our financial resources and delve into our individual levels of privilege, going beyond just income considerations. While we urge you to reflect on these factors, please feel free to pay what aligns with your sense of fairness. Rest assured, we won't inquire about your payment choices.

Consider paying less on the scale if you:

  • are a person who experiences discrimination and/or violence related to systematic oppression

  • have medical expenses, been denied work, or experience discrimination related to ableism

  • are eligible for public assistance

  • have immigration-related expenses

  • are a sex worker who experiences occupational discrimination (personal or legislative)

  • are an unpaid community organizer

  • are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history

  • are supporting children or have other dependents

Consider paying more on the scale if you:

  • own the home you live in

  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

  • travel recreationally

  • have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • work part time by choice

  • have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender privilege, racial privilege, thin privilege, class background, etc. Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, I ask you to recognize this as a choice.

We acknowledge that the low end of the scale might still not be affordable for some. Please understand that we are offering a model that we feel is sustainable for our small business. 

Range on sliding scale:

Default - 100% (default on all orders placed)

High - 85% (use code HIGH)

Medium - 75% (use code MEDIUM)

Low - 70% (use code LOW)

[Sliding scale description adapted with permission from Black Borders (BXB), by way of Ritual Dyes, by way of Little Red Bird Botanicals via Underground Alchemy and from AB Tattoo and Zenger Farms]